Best app ever
Best app ever
Lots of seeds and the seed generator is cool
So not happy, you can ONLY look at the PC seeds if you dont get the pro version
Why??? I only have pocket Edition not not not not not not fair this i dont like
It does not even let you go in pe seeds and xbox Im not paying for crap like this
It only has PC and you need to by the pro
I only have PE so youd imagine my suprise when it said it costs a dollar! ITD HAVE TO BE GOOD IF IT COSTS MONEY
You cant get any of the seeds
It works I look on YouTube all day for minecraft seeds when I get one on. The wourd it wont work but the ones with this app do so get this thing it Reilly works.
It says PE on seed genoreter and I gave me PC SEEDS SO MAKE IT PE
it wont let me look at minecraft pe seeds only if i get the pro version it stinks never get this app
Make it compatible with minecraft 1.8
I have pocket edition but it only lets u see pc mode unless u bye a stupid pro
I aint paying
I need the pe and the x box which i cant get cos i never get i toons this is no fear
Unless you have the PC version. I dont have it but I have both PE and Xbox. You have to pay money to access the PE and Xbox seeds. WHY NOT MAKE IT ALL FREE?!!! Really angry.
I dont get it dude like really I just need a seed!!!
I bought the Xbox and pe and guess what!!It didnt work. WARNING DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY IN THIS APP
Fena değil bence.
PLS PS3 edition